

We would like to thank our partners. Your support enables Mahapach-Taghir to promote a just, equal, democratic society.

In alphabetical order:

Anne Frank Foundation

The Arkin Family Foundation

Fritz Naphtali Foundation

The Genesis Prize Foundation

The J. Zel Lurie Family

Kaleidoscope Foundation

Levi Lassen Foundation

Litai Fund

Local Municipalities – Jerusalem, Tamra, Nof Hagalil, Maghar, Baqa el Gharbiya, Yafa an-Naseriyye, Talpiot community administration

The Menorah Congregation


Naomi and William Ernst

The New Israel Fund

NCJW – National Council of Jewish Women

Oranim college

The PERACH Tutorial Project

The Schocken Foundation

The Schusterman Family Foundation


Shutafut Foundation

 Social Venture Fund

Wizo Tel Aviv

Zalman Aran School Jerusalem

Children of the Hermon neighborhood community