The Communities
The Communities
Baka al-Ghabriyye Community, current coordinator: Hiriya Qadan
The community was established two years ago around the “Second Opportunity” Program, a program of higher education for women, working in partnership with the local municipality and the Open University. The group, consisting of 26 women, has set a goal to successfully graduate with a Bachelor’s degree. During the activity period, the women’s group initiated workshops in elementary schools in Baka that dealt with the phenomena of violence between students as well as organizing packaged food distribution to needy families during the corona crisis and the donation of sweets, books, and toys to the Rakan organization in order to support cancer patients.

Hermon neighborhood (Acre) community, co-coordinators: Miriam Abramov and Layla Abu Bachar
The Hermon neighborhood community in Acre was established in 2019. The neighborhood is a mixed neighborhood and includes residents from the Arab society and immigrants from the former Soviet Union. In the fall of 2020, a children’s Learning Center was opened and activity began with the neighborhood residents.

Maghar community, current coordinator: Helweh Asakleh
The Maghar community was established in 2007. In the community, there is a Learning Center for Primary School students. The residents’ group is engaged in raising social and feminist awareness through workshops and education. In the past year, they worked on reducing the number of weapons in civil society as part of the “gun on the kitchen table” coalition. In the village of Maghar, Druze, Muslims, and Christians live together, the residents’ group works in the community in order to bring the communities closer, in the steering team, at school, and through work with students.

Nazareth elite/Nof Hagalil community, current coordinator: Ya’ara Elef Dekel
This community has been operating since 2018. In the community, there is a Learning Center for students from three schools located in the southern neighborhood. The group consists of girls in order to focus the work on gender issues. The residents’ group has been operating since the beginning of 2020, and mostly consists of Ethiopian women. The group is working on familiarizing with urban factors and learning and applying tools to improve life in the neighborhood. The community works in collaboration with the Gordon Community Center, the Department of education in the municipality, the school principals, the Authority of Community Security, and the Social Welfare community worker.

Shikuney Talpiot (Jerusalem), current coordinator: Olesya Gorfinkel
Shikuney Talpiot community has been operating since 2018, in Shikuney Talpiot neighborhood, there is a Learning Center for students from the primary school in the neighborhood. The community works in partnership with the municipality of Jerusalem, the Zalman Eren school, and the Perach program. Alongside the Learning Center, a group of residents is operating, consisting mainly of mothers of children from the Learning Center, and is involved in the learning center’s activities, developing accessible public spaces such as parks and community gardens for residents of the neighborhood, and promoting afternoon activities.

Tamra community, current coordinator: Souhad Awad
In Tamra there is a learning center operating within alZahraa primary school in the afternoon. The community cooperates with various entities such as the municipality, the community center, and various organizations that operate in the neighborhood. Alongside the Learning Center, there is a “second chance” program that includes 23 women from Tamra who study for a bachelor’s degree, volunteer, and contribute to the community.

Yad Eliyahu Community, current Coordinator: Marva Raz
The Yad Eliyahu community has been operating for 7 years and has a learning and Enrichment Center for boys and girls from the various schools in the neighborhood. The activity takes place in the VITZO clubhouse in the neighborhood. The community works in partnership with PERACH, social services, various schools in the neighborhood, and with a “community creates” forum that consists of active residents in the neighborhood. In addition to the Learning Center, there is a residents group consisting of children’s mothers and other women from the neighborhood, which regularly manages the Learning Center and works to promote education in the neighborhood.

Yafia community, current coordinator: Muna Arok
The learning community was established in 1997 in the primary school located in the largest neighborhood in the village. The learning community was the first Community Center in the neighborhood. The community elected one of the residents, Muna Arok, as their coordinator. Over the years, the resident group has grown from 6 women to over 65. The learning center addresses more than 70 children. In the center there is a large group of volunteers, including youths, the community provides support to its members even in times of crisis. throughout the years, the team led various battles and won many victories. In collaboration with the local council, the group received a space to carry out its activities and promoted street lighting at night to increase the security of residents. The community fought for its right to a bus line within the village for several years, and achieved success. In addition, they successfully fought for the opening of the community center, after a long period of it being closed, and reopening it to the general public.